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2020 Explorer Fire Battalion
**2020 Ford Explorer Del Perro Fire Battalion** **Details** - *Environmental Lighting* - *Realistic Flash Pattern* - *32 Sirens* ...

Pennsylvania State Police Inspired Explorer Pack
**Pennsylvania State Police Inspired Ford Explorer FPIU Pack** **Details** - *Accurate Lighting Pattern* - *Environmental Lighting* ...

Federal Signal Integrity 2018 Charger
**Federal Signal Integrity 2018 Charger** **Included Versions** - *Marked* - *Slicktop* - *Unmarked* **Details** - *Staged Lig...

Santa Monica Police Department 2011 CVPI (Sold Out)
**Santa Monica Police Department 2011 CVPI** **Included Versions** - *(New) Marked [Federal Signal Micropulse]* - *(Old) Marked [Whel...

Los Angeles Sheriff Department 2011 CVPI (Sold Out)
**Los Angeles Sheriff Department 2011 CVPI** **Included Versions** - *Marked (New)* - *Marked (Old)* **Details** - *Staged Light...

University Of Los Angeles Police Department 2020 Explorer (Sold Out)
**University Of Los Angeles Police Department 2020 Explorer FPIU** **Details** - *32 Sirens* - *Environmental Lighting*...
Florida Highway Patrol 2015-2020 Tahoe
**Florida Highway Patrol 2015-2020 Tahoe** **Included Versions** - *Marked (Valor B/W Back & Forth)* - *Slicktop (SLX B/W Back & Fort...

Florida Highway Patrol 2020 Explorer
**Florida Highway Patrol 2020 Explorer** **Included Versions** - *Marked (Valor B/B)* - *Marked (Valor W/B)* - *Slicktop* - *More...
Florida Highway Patrol 2018-2021 Charger
**Florida Highway Patrol 2018-2021 Charger** **Included Versions** - *Marked Valor (B/B Sweep)* - *Marked Valor (B/W Back & Forth)* ...

Florida Highway Patrol Vehicle Pack
**Florida Highway Patrol Vehicle Pack** **Included Vehicles** - *2015-2020 Tahoe (All Versions)* - *2020 Explorer (All Versions)* -...

Florida Wildlife Commission 2018 f150 (Sold Out)
**Florida Wildlife Commission 2018 f150** **Included Versions** - *Valor (B/B Split)* - *Valor (B/B Back & Forth)* - *More Versions...

Port Richey Slicktop 2020 Explorer (Sold Out)
**Port Richey Slicktop 2020 Explorer** **Versions Included** - *Slicktop (FST)* - *Slicktop (RST)* **Details** - *Staged Lightin...

2011 Crown Victoria Go-Rhino Push Bar (Sold Out)
**2011 Crown Victoria Go-Rhino Push Bar** **Details** - *Fitted to Underwoods Crown Victoria* - *This is a DEV part, only purchase if...

2018 F150 Setina Window Guards Package (Sold Out)
**2018 F150 Setina Window Guards Package** **Details** - *Comes with passenger and rear window barriers* - *This is a DEV part, only ...

2020 F250 Iron Cross Bumper (Sold Out)
**2020 F250 Iron Cross Bumper** **Details** - *This was a custom order that we were allowed to release* - *This is a DEV part, only p...

2020 Explorer Whelen Outer Edges Mount (Sold Out)
**2020 Explorer Whelen Outer Edges Mount** **Details** - *Does NOT come with lights* - *This is a DEV part, only purchase if you know ...

2020 Explorer Federal Signal Outer Edges Mount (Sold Out)
**2020 Explorer Federal Signal Outer Edges Mount** **Details** - *Does NOT come with lights* - *This is a DEV part, only purchase if y...

2020 Explorer Setina Polycarbonate Window Guards (Sold Out)
**2020 Explorer Setina Polycarbonate Window Guards** **Details** - *This is a DEV part, only purchase if you know how to use it* **Po...

2016 Explorer Setina Window Guards (Sold Out)
**2016 Explorer Setina Window Guards** **Details** - *This is a DEV part, only purchase if you know how to use it* **Poly Count** ...

Clayton County Sheriffs Office Livery Pack
**Clayton County Sheriffs Office Livery Pack** **Details** - *7 Total Liverys* - *Realistic Livery Details* - *Free Future Updates...

St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office Livery Pack
**Clayton County Sheriffs Office Livery Pack** **Details** - *11 Total Liverys* - *Realistic Livery Details* - *St. Lucie & Blaine...